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Synchronous and asynchronous online sales training.

Online (sales) training can either be synchronous or asynchronous.

  • Synchronous
    1. occurs in real-time
    2. all participants interacting at the same time
    3. e.g. webinars, Skype, chat rooms, live discussions
  • Asynchronous
    1. self-paced
    2. all participants not logged into the course/discussion/online at the same time
    3. e.g. email, blogs, wikis, videos, documents, courses

While there are advantages to synchronous learning – people can interact with each other – there are many advantages for asynchronous learning:

  1. people do not need to be set to a certain time
  2. people can attend their normal day jobs
  3. people can proceed at their own pace
  4. people can repeat failed courses

Both the asynchronous and synchronous methods rely heavily on self-motivation, self-discipline, and the ability to communicate in writing effectively.

Please read more about the Benefits of Online (Sales) Training and our Online Sales Training (E-Learning).


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