The Sales Essentials Volume 4 – Sales Prospecting

Author: Sue Barrett | 34 Pages

AUD $19.95 inc. tax

Prospecting: the very word often causes some sales people to cringe. It requires confidence, assertiveness and creativity, and while not the most important aspect of the sales process, it’s still the act that will get the ball rolling on a fresh sales journey. Prospecting involves searching for and pursuing potential sales opportunities with new and existing customers and developing any viable prospects into profitable sales. It’s a vital spark to success.

Yet it’s amazing how many businesses overlook the importance of prospecting, and don’t have proper strategies in place for their teams to initiate contact with potential customers or clients.

The material in this book aims to help you hone your business’ prospecting strategy, and reaffirm to you and your team that you are part of an enterprising, progressive industry that is changing the world for the better.

Remember: everybody lives by selling something.

We hope you enjoy this book.





The Prospecting Cringe

Prospecting: the very word often causes some sales people to cringe. Sales prospecting requires confidence, assertiveness and creativity, and while not the most important aspect of the sales process, it’s still the act that will get the ball rolling on a fresh sales journey. Prospecting involves searching for and pursuing potential sales opportunities with new and existing customers and developing any viable prospects into profitable sales. It’s a vital spark to success.

Yet it’s amazing how many businesses overlook the importance of sales prospecting, and don’t have proper strategies in place for their teams to initiate contact with potential customers or clients. Other organisations have poorly structured prospecting blueprints, overlooking results-driven training programmes, or relying on outmoded techniques rooted in the 20th century.

For many sales people, sales prospecting is a daunting, dreadful affair. They can find it nerve-wracking and debilitating. This is not an uncommon symptom; but the good news is that fear of prospecting can be overcome and unlearnt. It’s essential your sales people continually prospect for new business, and that you have a diversity of prospecting sources to refer to consistently. Learning how to consolidate a concrete, rewarding prospecting scheme will keep you ahead of the competition in your marketplace.

The material in this book aims to help you hone your business’ prospecting strategy, and reaffirm to you and your team that you are part of an enterprising, progressive industry that is changing the world for the better.

Remember: everybody lives by selling something.

We hope you enjoy this book.



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