Barrett Sales Trends Report 2010

Author: Sue Barrett | 32 Pages

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The theme for Barrett’s 12 Sales Trends for 2010 is ‘No more Business as Usual’. As Robert Louis Stevenson stated over a century ago ‘everybody lives by selling something’ but now in the 21st century, the definitions of ‘selling’ and ‘something’ are now very different. You can download the detailed 32 page report of the 12 Sales Trends for 2010 now to see which trends have had the greatest impact on your sales optimisation efforts in 2010.

The theme for Barrett’s 12 Sales Trends for 2010 is ‘No more ‘Business As Usual’.  As Robert Louis Stevenson stated over a century ago ‘everybody lives by selling something’ but now the definitions of ‘selling’ and ‘something’ are now very different. ‘Something’ used to be nothing more than products and services. In the 21st Century products and services are no longer enough on their own. Organisations have to be engaged in ideas, opinions, knowledge, wisdom, insight, advice and talent.  ‘Selling’ used to be nothing more than product monologues – features and benefits dished up to a captive audience.

In the 21st Century product monologues are redundant. Organisations have to do more than just ‘do a deal’. They have to engage with their increasingly informed clients, proactively identify opportunities and have a meaningful dialogue around service, relationships and results. If you want to succeed in the 21st Century then you have to change your thinking to change your world.With business as usual not usual any more, and many businesses wondering what to expect and how to align their sales efforts moving forward, we present Barrett’s The 12 Sales Trends of 2010.

As you read these trends, think hard about those that will have the greatest impact on your sales efforts next year. If you want to get a sneak peek of the overview of the 12 sales trends for 2010 before you buy go here.


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